Why My Technique is Different
The aging face experiences volume loss, we look tired, cranky and feel like our faces have dropped. Looking in the mirror becomes an unpleasant experience. I hear patients all the time say: “I didn’t used to look like this, people always ask me if I am tired!”
The combination of sun exposure, genetics, gravity and aging leads to the loss of fat, collagen, muscle and bone. Returning volume to the face can make us look refreshed and less tired, without looking like we’ve had something “done”.
My injection technique differs from many other cosmetic injectors. I prefer to use a blunt cannula when injecting volumizing fillers such as Bellafill and some Hyaluronic Acid fillers. A blunt cannula is a technique using a blunt, rounded, needle instead of a sharp needle to inject. The filler is still placed in the same locations; however, a blunt cannula is used to reach the areas needed to be treated.
What is the advantage of using a blunt cannula?
- One insertion point treats multiple areas which to the patient equals less needle pokes for a more comfortable procedure.
- Safety is increased – cannulas don’t enter blood vessels as easily as a sharp needle. Bruising and swelling is decreased by over 90%.
- Areas around the eyes and around the lips that are known for bruising or swelling are able to be injected without any visible signs.
- Most people have less healing time and are more comfortable during the procedure.
So why don’t all Injectors use a blunt cannula? Most Injectors are not trained on the technique or lack experience to be able to handle a cannula in their treatments. Cannulas are also much more expensive than the needle that comes packaged with the syringe of filler.
My injection technique using the blunt cannula allows my patients to come in for injection and have a good chance leaving without any signs of the injection. Injectables, like medicine are a combination of art and science. The science is in the product and how it will respond in where it is placed. The art is in the skill and talent of your artist, the injector.
I love being able to use my art degree daily in the work I love, sculpting faces. I enjoy showing clients my before and after pictures and talking about how fillers could help refresh a face. Reach out to me if you are interested in a consultation.
Jill Porter, RN @ Innovative Directions in Health in Edina, MN