Healthy Aging
What is happening in our bodies as we age?
Although you may not be too happy with your body right now, your body is really an amazing thing. It is very complex and every second of the day a trillion living cells are interacting with each other.
Preventive Aging medicine is more than just hormone replacement and reducing your symptoms, it’s about addressing the chronic diseases caused by aging.
Although reducing and eliminating your annoying symptoms is important, the most critical goal of any comprehensive preventive aging program is to significantly reduce or eliminate the chronic degenerative diseases of aging, including Heart Disease, Diabetes and Cancer.
A true comprehensive preventive aging program includes clinical & laboratory evaluations.
And should include the following protocols:

The preventive program you choose should begin by targeting your personal risk factors
The most critical part of any preventive aging program begins with a thorough history and understanding of your personal risk factors. This is accomplished by identifying your personal and family history, doing complete and full blood work up, along with testing for any hormonal imbalances you may have. Once your doctor has evaluated and targeted your personal risk factors, and completed a full blood analysis in the blood work up, they should do a complete test on your hormone levels.
Many of your bodily functions are controlled by hormones
Most of the repairs being made are controlled and regulated by hormones, which are natural chemicals produced by different organs and glands in our body. And they usually work in teams of two, as one “turns on” the switch, the other “turns it off.”
As you age, your body’s hormone levels start to diminish
To put it bluntly, aging is not supposed to be good for us! Aging is a pre-programmed process to get us out of the picture, and the reduction of hormones is one of those processes. Eating right and exercising helps maintain better levels of some hormones, but it cannot stop age-related hormone loss. Our productions of essential hormones starts to diminish as early as the age 25, and by 80 we have lost 50%-80%. By the age of 50 we have had over 20 years of hormone deficiencies.
Restoring your hormone balance
Hormone balance is a critical factor in your health and happiness. The same hormones that keep you healthy and growing in your earlier years can be the cause of emotional and physical distress as you grow older. People with a healthy hormone balance tend to live and enjoy healthy and long productive lives…free of many of the major diseases like stroke, thyroid problems and heart disease.
But people with long-term hormone imbalances have to endure many of the symptoms we mentioned earlier, including weight gain, fatigue, poor libido, memory loss and a host of others symptoms.