Premenstrual Syndrome
What is PMS?
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) affects about 30 million American women for a week or two before their period. PMS results from a relative estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency. It may start in a woman’s 20s, but is most common in their 30s and 40s, and may even extend into Perimenopause. PMS symptoms are undesirable and can significantly impact in your life both emotionally and physically.
PMS is not a depressive disorder, it’s a hormonal disorder—anti-depressants just cover up the symptoms and are not treating the underlying cause. Contrary to popular opinion, PMS is not a depressive disorder, but a fluctuating hormonal disorder. We have many patients who were initially treated with anti-depressants, anxiety pills and sleeping pills, but went off of them once their hormonal balance was restored.
Women with PMS (progesterone deficiency) also have a higher risk for breast cancer and should not wait to take preventive measures.

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Common symptoms of PMS:
- Irritability and Anxiety
- Bloating
- Breast Tenderness
- Cravings
- Weight Gain
- Headache or Migrane, usually occurs the first day of a period when the estrogen level crashes
Our Method of PMS treatment
After a thorough history and physical, we conduct blood tests; which at the minimum includes an assessment of sex hormone levels (Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone and DHEA). We then create a plan to control symptoms by replacing the deficient hormone/s with bio-identical preparations given in natural ways, and monitoring blood levels to adjust dosing if necessary.
We incorporate weight loss measures when necessary and include additional breast cancer prevention measures
(see Dr. Mahmud’s book, Keeping aBreast: Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer) , because we feel strongly that they should be an essential part of managing PMS.
“This treatment has changed my life. Thank you Dr. Mahmud for your passion to help women live life to the fullest.”
– C.B.
“IDIH has really been a great help and benefit to my body and have been going to the clinic for over 10 years now. I never realized what a major difference it was to be on bio/hrt and how much healthier I have felt. My entire mood has been more positive and my PMS symptoms have decreased. I have total trust in Dr. Sinda and his years of research and expertise.The entire team is full of knowlege and the best procedures to extend your youth!”
– Deb B.
“Turning 40…As I rounded the corner to my first annual OB-GYN appointment in my 40″s I thought carefully about discussing the changes in my hormones, the increase in PMS, exhaustion, anxiety and generally crabby feeling. My Dr. and I discussed my options but, I wasn”t interested in taking anti-depressents or birth control. I knew there was a better option so at the urging of my mother and dear friend, I made an appointment. It is such an amazing experience to sit across the desk from your doctor and speak freely about your health, while not wearing a paper gown. The initial visit to exam day, I found everyone to be warm, welcoming and really helpful. I have been following the program and feel better than I have in years! I cannot say enough about the simple changes that brought me such relief and joy! I really feel like I could run circles around my former self. Thank you IDIN Health!”
– Keri F.