0 Items 7550 France Ave S. Suite 215, Edina, MN 55435
7550 France Ave S. Suite 215, Edina, MN 55435

Suzanne Somers is a Gift of Nature to the women in America.

Suzanne Somers has brought national attention to natural hormones that can be compounded by trained pharmacists and are GOOD for women.

When women are younger they have an abundant amount of these hormones (Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, etc.) in their bodies and hardly ever suffer a heart attack or stroke, or the countless other less extreme side effects of hormonal deficiencies.

Way to go Suzanne for all of your efforts researching and promoting safe bio-identical hormone therapy in your books, media and your own lifestyle.

It is a shame conventional medicine still does not pay attention to a lot the data published about bio-identical hormone treatment. It is not only my belief, but years of experience treating thousands of women, that I know the power and the impact that bio-identical hormone treatment can provide.

As a physician, I respect and appreciate all of Suzanne’s efforts in raising awareness and educating women on safe alternatives to hormone replacement.

Suzanne has researched and written many valuable books on Anti-Aging medicine and alternative health options for women as they experience the stages of menopause. She interviewed me as one of her “Cutting Edge” physicians in her book Breakthrough. You can find my interview in Chapter 22 titled,  “Dr. Khalid Mahmud”.  Read an excerpt here.

I am thrilled to extend our patients and followers the opportunity to have a LIVE Conversation with Suzanne.

During our Suzanne Somers’ Facebook Takeover next week, you will have the chance to ask Suzanne your questions about her experience with Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy and receive a live response back on our Facebook Page and yours. The live online conversation will occur on the Innovative Directions in Health Facebook Page Tuesday, May 20th from 12 – 1pm.

Submit your questions in advance for an opportunity to win the book,  “I’m Too Young for This” autographed by Suzanne or ask your questions live during the event.

For event details, click here.

Dr. Khalid Mahmud