With the holidays and New Year parties fast approaching don’t let your beauty routine get lost in the shuffle, stop in and take advantage of our Holiday Botox and Dysport Specials!
Plan to look your best in time for all of your upcoming events and in the pictures your friends and family will be posting.
Here are a few ways Botox Cosmetic and Dysport can help perk up your holiday festivities:
- Rejuvenate Your Appearance – Your face is the first thing people see in the winter when you are all bundled up. It is also the area most exposed to the harsh outdoor elements. With Botox or Dysport, you are assured to be putting your ‘best face forward’ no matter what the weather conditions are. Both Botox and Dysport are used to effectively erase and smooth out worry lines in the forehead, crow’s feet around the eyes (the lines you make when you squint) and can also turn your frown upside down by lifting the corners of your mouth.
- Results Customized for You – Even though it is winter, you don’t have to look Frozen. Botox and Dysport treatments are customized to the look you want. Our experienced Nurse will work with you on achieving your desired look.
- Down-Time, What Down-Time?? There is little to no downtime. When you are preparing for a series of events, it can be challenging to make the time in your schedule. With Botox or Dysport, you are able to easily ‘get in, get out’ and return to your normal activities looking fabulous. The appointment typically takes less than 20 minutes. TIP – If you are prone to bruising, cut back on any fish oil, vitamin E or Aspirin a week prior or take the Arnica supplement that helps prevent bruising.
Hurry in for our Botox and Dysport HOLIDAY SPECIALS!
20 units of BOTOX for $199 on TUESDAYS
50 units of DYSPORT for $199 on FRIDAYS
through December 31st
Schedule your Free Consultation with our Nurse
and see how the results of these tiny injections can help perk up your holidays.