0 Items 7550 France Ave S. Suite 215, Edina, MN 55435
7550 France Ave S. Suite 215, Edina, MN 55435
Healthy Chia Seed Waffles

Healthy Chia Seed Waffles

Hello everyone! I have a treat for you!

If you have been working on all your hormones levels, getting your sleep patterns regulated, and enjoying life and this beautiful summer, I have something that will be  a wonderful addition to your life!  Waffles for breakfast..or lunch..or dinner. They can be good for you!

I wish I could take credit for this recipe, but my dear friend, and kinesologist Anna Gates, has created this waffle recipe using all good fats and chia seeds. No flour or grains. I make a large batch and freeze the leftovers. They are wonderful just popped in the toaster anytime!



  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 3/4 cup heavy cream
  • 7 whole organic eggs
  • 1/3 cup chia seeds. ground
  • 2 1/4 Tbsp whole chia seeds
  • 1 Tbsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt


  1.  Melt butter and cool
  2.  Stir dry ingredients together with a fork
  3.  Whisk cream into eggs
  4.  Pour cooled butter slowly into egg mixture
  5.  Add dry ingredients a bit at a time, then allow to sit until the chia seeds absorb moisture (1/2 hour or so)
  6.  Pour about 1/3 – 1/2 cup onto hot waffle iron and bake. Cook up all the batter and freeze the rest.

These are so delicious, no one can believe there is no flour in these waffles. Only good fats and protein. I have even made these on a pancake griddle and used them as hamburger buns instead of the high carb white flour ones we are all so used to.

Chia Seed Waffles

Enjoy this new treat in your life!!!

– Susie Ries

Visit our Tips & Recipes Blog for more healthy treats!

Susie Asks Suzanne Somers

Susie Asks Suzanne Somers

Suzanne Somers!!!

Did you see that we can all communicate directly with Suzanne Somers via Innovative Directions in Health’s Facebook TODAY, Tuesday, May 20th? She is going to be LIVE on-line with us and ready to answer any questions we have for her!

Here are a few I will be asking!

(Q)  I have a few friends that are in the medical field, and still feel that any hormone replacement is not good or necessary. What can I tell them about the difference in the bio-identical hormone replacement compared to the hormone replacement they have been familiar with in the past. ..in medical terms?

(Q)  What is your next book and when is it coming out? My favorite is Bombshell.

(Q)  What is the next important topic you are studying?

I am so excited about this rare opportunity to hear directly from Suzanne. If you haven’t read any of her books yet, or watched her many interviews… You will be amazed at the brains behind the beauty. If you only know her as the “ditsy  blonde” on Three’s Company…all I can say is…what an actress! In reality, she is pure genius.

Hop on-line TODAY, Tuesday, May 20 from 12-1 from your home, lunch break, or chaise lounge and join in the conversation!!


– Susie

If you are not on Facebook and would like to submit a question to Suzanne, write your question in Innovative Directions in Health’s Contact Us Form. Don’t forget to join their newsletter (located on the green sidebar towards the bottom) to view the Suzanne Somers’ Q & A transcript after the Facebook Takeover.

A Gift That Keeps Giving

A Gift That Keeps Giving

Hello Ladies . . . and especially sons and daughters . . . and husbands!

This one is for you! Guess what’s coming up soon? MOTHERS DAY!

Doesn’t it come up quickly? It’s always hard to think of something that will be special, thoughtful, long-lasting, and difficult for Mom to buy for herself.

I am entering 16 weeks of Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy at Innovative Directions in Health with Dr. Sinda . . . and this is truly the gift that keeps giving!


Take this TEST:


1) Have you heard your Mom complain about hot flashes?
HINT: If the sweater suddenly gets thrown off, face is getting flushed, and a napkin is used as a fan . . .
that’s a hot flash!

2) Have there been comments about waking up every night at 3 a.m.?
HINT: Ask if she is dreaming.  If not, there is not enough highly needed, deep sleep happening here!

3) Does she open the refrigerator and find the scissors? 
Ah-Ha! Brain fog!

Call Innovative Directions in Health at (952)922-2345 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sinda. While you’re at it, throw in a facial or one of their skin rejuvenation treatments. Believe me, she will love it!

Better yet Ladies, do this for yourselves. You’ll be happy for months to come!!

Yours truly,


PS – The picture is of me and my lovely daughters.

Mom’s, share this post with your loved ones and be treated to a great gift on your special day! 

Testosterone – A Miracle Cream

Testosterone – A Miracle Cream

Hi, Everyone!

I have an update for you! I am now 12 weeks into enjoying the benefits of Bio-Identical hormone replacement therapy. Let me list for you the marvelous benefits I am receiving:

1) Glorious, blissful, sweet-dreams sleep every single night. No more waking up at 3 am and sighing at the long night ahead.

2) Unlimited energy. Guess what…I enrolled in a 3-day a week workout boot camp…and it begins at 5:30 AM. No kidding…5:30 AM!

3) NO more forgetting what I needed in the basement. Sound familiar? Did you know that “brain fog” is a very common sign of menopause? Not long ago I needed Post-it notes on each finger to remember what I was supposed to get only six steps into the basement.

4) Testosterone miracle cream! Who knew we ladies need it..and are very lacking in it. Our bodies simply stop producing this all-important hormone…and we thought it was only for men! Dr. Sinda prescribed a perfectly dispensed cream for me after reading my blood tests. This nifty little bottle dispenses the exact amount my body was lacking. There is no guessing on how much cream to apply.

Coincidentally, last week I was watching the KATIE show, which airs just before my FAVORITE television show (Twin Cities Live, of course!) and was happy to see Suzanne Sommers being interviewed. As you likely know, she is a big advocate for bio-identical hormones and the need for women to get the right amount of testosterone. I was smiling as I heard her say: “My husband and I are enjoying the best love life of our lives..and we are in our 60s!” Let’s just say…at our home…we get it!

More to come…let’s see what happens next! Enjoy you day!

– Susie

Are you experiencing loss of sleep, brain fog, or low sex drive? Call 952-922-2345 to set up a consultation and see if Bio-Identical hormone replacement is right for you!

Talk about getting things done!

Talk about getting things done!

Hello everyone, This is Susie Ries again with a new update on my Bio-Identical hormone replacement journey.

I’ve now been on a carefully orchestrated plan for my body for 8 weeks, which includes a combination of bioidentical progesterone, estrogen and testosterone, and I am having amazing results.

As I mentioned in my first post, I am still sleeping so beautifully through the night. Let me tell you…that alone is worth a fast drive over to see Dr. Sinda right away!

However, I have more to tell you…ENERGY! Now, no one loves a good Sunday afternoon nap more than me..or a nap every day of the week for that matter. But who has the time for such things anymore? I know I don’t. My energy is through the roof, and yet I’m feeling perfectly balanced. Talk about getting things done…let’s just say my long neglected cabinets are getting cleaned out and organized. Next stop..the dreaded basement!

Wait…I have more but you’ll have to read my next post! I’ll give you hint…Happy for me…Happy for my husband! Stay tuned!

Enjoy your day!

Find out which of your hormones are out of balance and how you can increase your energy, join Dr. Sinda and me Saturday, March 22nd. Let’s talk about bio identical hormones together!

– Susie

Meet Our Patient Susie

Meet Our Patient Susie

HI! My name is Susie Ries. Some of you may know me as Elizabeth’s mom from Twin Cities Live. Let me tell you how I found Innovative Directions in Health.

I’ve been a huge fan of Suzanne Somers for many years. Like her, I want to know all I can about health, natural and organic products, anti-aging and supplements. If you’ve read any of her books, you will see that she searches throughout the world for board certified physicians that have pioneered in anti-aging, hormone replacement and preventative medicine. I was so excited to see that we have one of her top picks right here in the Twin Cities! How exciting to get my appointment!

My first visit was fabulous…how many doctors will sit and visit…asking question after question of my symptoms of menopause, anti-aging concerns, sleep patterns. etc. I am 58 years old. I had all of the above and was more than willing to get all the help I could!

After a simple blood test, Dr. Sinda carefully analyzed all of my levels including the all important hormones, and started me on a regimen of Bio-Identical hormones perfectly balanced for my body. Did you know that progesterone is best absorbed under the tongue? Who knew?!

Let me tell you! The first thing I noticed with the very first week…I am sleeping all night! My dreams are in full living color! How many of us long for one night of uninterrupted sleep after age 40!

I’m on my way to a perfectly balanced body and mind. I’ve been on this beautiful plan for 5 weeks, and I can’t wait for my next visit with Dr. Sinda. Stay tuned…I’ll give you another update soon!
