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7550 France Ave S. Suite 215, Edina, MN 55435
Simple Steps for a Good Night Sleep

Simple Steps for a Good Night Sleep

Who doesn’t need a good night’s sleep?

Good Sleep Hygiene and natural non-habit forming supplements can help ease you in to sleep and keep you sleeping.

Try to follow these Simple Sleep Hygiene Tips:

  • Stick to same sleep-wake schedule (bedtime and wake time) 7 days a week.
  • Avoid napping unless you can nap at the same time every day and for the same length of time.
  • Unwind 30 minutes before bedtime, avoiding stimulating activities such as computer work (or email), TV, talking on the phone or texting, and working around the house. Also keep the lights low and the volumes of TV/music down for the last 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  • Try to keep distracting electronic gadgets out of the bedroom and maintain a tidy, cool, dark environment.
  • Avoid any caffeine after 2:00 PM (after noon if sleep is a big problem)
  • Avoid alcohol in the 2-3 hours prior to going to bed.
  • Keep your meal times and exercise times as regular as possible- bodies love regimented schedules.
  • Make sure your window coverings keep all the light out- bodies use light as a cue in melatonin production. There are very inexpensive shades that do a great job at this.
  • Minimum sleep time should be 7 hours but if you can sleep 8 or more- by all means do so.

If you are still having trouble getting a good night sleep, these 3 additional Supplements may help. Take them at the same time 1-hour before desired bed time:

  • Tryptophan 1,000mg or Melatonin 1-3mg (only 3 times a week)
  • Magnesium Glycinate 200mg
  • Vitamin D3 (dosage depending upon your measured Vitamin D level, ask your physician to check it)

If staying asleep is a big issue, consider Time Release Melatonin.

I would also recommend a great book called “The End of Night:  Searching for Natural Darkness in an Age of Artificial Light” by Paul Bogard.

If you are interested in learning how a proper hormone balance can also help sleep, schedule a consultation with me.

See you next time, awake and well rested!

– Dr. Rich Sinda

These supplements are stocked in our clinic and are available to everyone (not just our patient’s) for purchase. Stop by or call / email to have them mailed to you.

Suzanne Somers’ Interview

Suzanne Somers’ Interview

Suzanne Somers took control of our Innovative Directions in Health Facebook page to answer questions our patients and followers had about health, beauty, staying young and bio-identical hormone therapy. We are so happy to be able to share this experience with you and thank Suzanne for sharing her wisdom. Enjoy the transcript below of the live conversation.

–       Dr. Rich Sinda and Dr. Mahmud

Suzanne Somers:  Hi Everyone! It’s a beautiful day here in Malibu! I am really looking forward to being with all of you today at Innovative Directions in Health.

1.  What is the best first step anyone can take in changing their lifestyle for the better?

Suzanne Somers:  The first step is to understand that we are living in a changed planet, that toxins are everywhere and that in order to survive and be healthy it will require cleaning up your whole life through detoxification and eating quality organic food. Food is the fuel of the body. The better the quality of food you feed yourself the better your health. It’s that simple.

2.  How do you keep your energy up? You are like a never-aging energizer bunny!!

Suzanne Somers:  Thanks…I’m healthy! I take bioidentical hormones. That is the most important change I have made in my health regimen. Don’t believe all the fear mongering out there. Those reports are usually pharmaceutically driven because if everyone were as healthy and happy as I am they (pharma companies) would go out of business. Hormones gave me back my energy, my vitality, my clear thinking, my sex drive, my happiness, my thin body. It’s all great. AND I eat organic! It’s not worth it to fill up my cleaned out body with pesticides, chemicals and worst of all; genetically modified foods. I exercise every day; usually yoga and a walk, I take the stairs whenever possible and a hike at least once a week. I exercise doing what I enjoy. I’m not a ‘gym’ girl. Never have been. Everyone is different. This is just how I choose to do it.

3.  Suzanne, what types of bioidentical horomones do you take?

Suzanne Somers:  It’s based on individual blood work to replace what’s been lost in the aging process. That’s the difference with BHRT when it’s prescribed by a qualified physician. It’s tailored just to YOUR needs – unlike the synthetic hormones that are “one size fits all” and do not actually replace missing hormones.

4. Suzanne, do you plan on staying on bio-identical hormones for the rest of your life, even in your nineties?

Suzanne Somers:  YES!!! I will never give up feeling this good.

5.  Is it your belief that a woman on bio-identical hormones should continue on this path for the rest of one’s life, even if 95 years old?

Innovative Directions in Health:  That’s yet to be determined, but there is no compelling reason right now to rush off of them. Scientific studies (large one out of France in 2010) show no increase in Breast Cancer over the bio-identical hormone.  – Dr. Sinda

6.  You have referenced Dr. Mahmud at Innovative Directions in Health in several of your books. How did you meet him?

Suzanne Somers:  I met him through Dr. Ron Rothenberg at an anti-aging conference. I was very impressed that as an oncologist he chose to give up his lucrative position to help take care of women in a better way.

7.  How do you continue to be motivated to exercise and diet?

Suzanne Somers:  Hormones make me feel young and energized. I’m not trying to be young. I am happy with my age. I just feel young, have young energy. And my wisdom has begun to pour which is something no young person can buy or have and that wisdom gives me a distinct advantage in my life dealings and work.

I love aging. I’ll say it again…I never thought it was going to be so good and I owe it all to my healthy lifestyle and diet and my bioidentical hormones!

8.  I am in menopause and have read all of your books. I am finally ready to take the next step. What do you recommend?

Suzanne Somers:   Go to www.foreverhealth.com. They can connect you to a qualified doctor, like Dr. Mahmud or Dr. Sinda, nearest you. All doctors in this network have been vetted to specialize in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) and it all depends on who you are more comfortable with and more practically, who is closer to where you live.

9.  Is there anything women over 50 can do for crepy skin, to keep skin looking young and smooth; especially forearms and decollate area?  

Suzanne Somers:  Try the FACEMASTER to exercise the muscles in your face to keep them from sagging. I’ve been using it for 20 years and it helps defy gravity in a very natural way. www.facemaster.com.

10. What are the most important steps you can take at the onset of perimenopause to combat the middle weight gain so often associated with this stage in life?

Suzanne Somers:  Get on BHRT! It’s the most important element in weight control. Then give up processed food because all those toxins are stored in the fat and if you keep adding toxins they need more room to be stored and you will keep gaining weight. Go organic as much as possible and get your hormones balanced with BHRT. And you can read Sexy Forever if you need more advice. Best of luck!

11. I am in peri menopause and Dr. Sinda at Innovative Directions in Health is assisting me in getting my progesterone balanced and the hot flashes and night sweats have disappeared. Do you know how long approximately it takes for extra weight gained over the past couple of years to take a hike? Also, do you regulate your thyroid with supplements?

Suzanne Somers:  Once your hormones are balanced, if you are following a good eating program and exercising you should be able to lose weight without obstacles. Go organic! Eat clean, unprocessed foods like protein, good fats, and vegetables. Make sure your doc at Innovative Directions in Health checks your thyroid levels. Also key to helping you lose the weight.

12. What skin care item can you not leave home without?

Suzanne Somers:  SUZANNE Organics Ageless Serum will turn back the clock! I have attached the info above. It’s made with organic sea algae and African Birch and really targets lines and wrinkles and rehydrates the skin to plump and firm. I use it twice a day EVERYDAY!!

13. Should doctors that prescribe progesterone regularly test your blood levels or is it less scientific and based upon how you’re feeling?

Suzanne Somers:  Regular blood tests are recommended to monitor your actual levels, but some doctors will also work by having you describe symptoms. Communication with your doctor is key to finding that sweet spot! It may take a little time, but it’s worth it!

14.  I’m over 55 and work out a ton with weights and cardio etc., eat organic primal diet, take bioidentical hormones, always was in shape and very athletic but can’t seem to lose last bit of abdominal fat – I feel great and young but that part is driving me crazy. Taking more Testosterone?  

Suzanne Somers:  We all have our trouble spots, right? Or are you just being really hard on yourself? Sounds like you are doing everything right. It wouldn’t hurt to have your thyroid checked. And make sure you are getting enough good fats! I eat a couple of tablespoons of organic coconut oil every day.

15. I am looking for more information and would be interested in meeting with Dr. Mahmud or Dr. Sinda.

Innovative Directions in Health:  Please stop by our Open House tomorrow, Tuesday June 3. We will be giving away multiple prizes such as SUZANNE Organic skincare kits, full size Latisse and sharing information about our services. This is your chance to meet Dr. Sinda and Susie Ries and to ask all of your questions about Bio-Identical Hormone treatment!

Innovative Directions in Health / Dr. Mahmud / Dr. Sinda:  We want to thank everyone for participating in the conversation! A big thank you goes out to Suzanne Somers for sharing her wisdom with us. THANK YOU!

Suzanne Somers:  Thank you ALL!!!! I always love to chat with like-minded people. Wishing you all happiness and health! Have a great day!!!

Are YOU “Too Young for This?”

Are YOU “Too Young for This?”

Find out if you are too young to be dealing with the results of a hormonal imbalance.

imTooYoungForThisLife Extension interviewed Suzanne Somers on her latest book, I’m Too Young For This! The Natural Hormone Solution to Enjoy Perimenopause. We recommend this great read by our dear friend Suzanne Somers. Read part of the interview below…

Enter to WIN an Autographed book by Suzanne


YOU can Interview Suzanne!
Submit your question to be answered during our
Suzanne Somers Facebook Takeover on Tuesday, May 20th.

Life Extension: In your book you talk a lot about understanding how hormone loss can affect women as they age. You talk specifically about a period known as perimenopause that may make women feel very unlike themselves. What happens during this phase?

Suzanne Somers: Hormonal loss can make you feel like you are going crazy. You don’t know who you are anymore, and you can’t rely on feeling good each day. Perimenopause is the transitional stage from normal menstrual periods to no periods at all. It may start in your thirties or forties and it will continue until you reach the final stage, menopause, probably sometime in your fifties. You are transitioning. This process and the cluster of symptoms that often come with it can start ten years before full-blown menopause. Perimenopause is a natural phase of life, and in many cases it is a difficult transition. When you don’t understand what’s happening and don’t know how to manage it, then your health and your sanity can be challenged.

Life Extension: How does having low thyroid levels affect weight gain during perimenopause?

Suzanne Somers: One of the most common complaints of perimenopause is unexplained weight gain. You start getting “thick,” especially around the middle. Your belly bloats and you retain water, even when you never did before. You may eat less and exercise more yet you still can’t lose the weight; instead, often you gain weight. Low thyroid, a major metabolic hormone, is usually the culprit. When it’s too low, you don’t metabolize food effectively and the calories you consume turn into fat instead of being used for energy; this is why exercising and dieting helps a little, but you just can’t achieve the weight loss you desire. Low thyroid weight tends to be distributed evenly on your body. When low pituitary function is at the root of your low thyroid function it’s generally confined to the area from your abdomen to just above your knees.

Life Extension: Other problems many women face include foggy thinking and forgetfulness. Why are these such common symptoms?

Suzanne Somers: Brain fog is a result of a complex series of events that happens to women. First, it’s about estrogen depletion. The brain needs estrogen to function properly. When a woman is deficient in estrogen, she develops senior moments—whatever description you can handle to take the edge off your embarrassment with your friends and make for a big laugh. You may be laughing off your embarrassment on the outside, but on the inside there is nothing funny about it.

When it happened to me, I secretly harbored a fear that that this was the first stage of Alzheimer’s, the most frightening of all diseases to me. Estrogen depletion also causes headaches and migraines.

Life Extension: Your book, I’m Too Young for This, offers incredible information, however, one of the takeaways seems to be that mainstream medicine is falling woefully short in terms of helping out aging women. How has this happened and what does it mean moving forward?

Suzanne Somers: At present, our medical schools are teaching fifty-year-old medicine. Every answer to every disease and condition has a pill attached to it. If you look around at our senior generation, you see for yourselves that they are not doing very well on all the pills they have been given over the years. It’s a cruel hoax; they trusted and they believed that medicine knew best. We get confused because we have been raised to believe doctors are supposed to know everything. That’s a lot of pressure for your doctor. Stay with your doctor for the things he or she knows, but go to the right doctor if you are looking for hormone balance (someone who specializes in BHRT). Doctors are good people we hire to take care of our bodies. But they are not in charge of our bodies . . . that is our responsibility.

Read the full Interview with Life Extension and Suzanne Somers here.

Don’t forget to submit your Interview questions for Suzanne or Ask them LIVE when she takes over our Facebook page next week, May 20th.

Suzanne Somers – Women’s Health Advocate

Suzanne Somers – Women’s Health Advocate

Suzanne Somers is a Gift of Nature to the women in America.

Suzanne Somers has brought national attention to natural hormones that can be compounded by trained pharmacists and are GOOD for women.

When women are younger they have an abundant amount of these hormones (Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, etc.) in their bodies and hardly ever suffer a heart attack or stroke, or the countless other less extreme side effects of hormonal deficiencies.

Way to go Suzanne for all of your efforts researching and promoting safe bio-identical hormone therapy in your books, media and your own lifestyle.

It is a shame conventional medicine still does not pay attention to a lot the data published about bio-identical hormone treatment. It is not only my belief, but years of experience treating thousands of women, that I know the power and the impact that bio-identical hormone treatment can provide.

As a physician, I respect and appreciate all of Suzanne’s efforts in raising awareness and educating women on safe alternatives to hormone replacement.

Suzanne has researched and written many valuable books on Anti-Aging medicine and alternative health options for women as they experience the stages of menopause. She interviewed me as one of her “Cutting Edge” physicians in her book Breakthrough. You can find my interview in Chapter 22 titled,  “Dr. Khalid Mahmud”.  Read an excerpt here.

I am thrilled to extend our patients and followers the opportunity to have a LIVE Conversation with Suzanne.

During our Suzanne Somers’ Facebook Takeover next week, you will have the chance to ask Suzanne your questions about her experience with Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy and receive a live response back on our Facebook Page and yours. The live online conversation will occur on the Innovative Directions in Health Facebook Page Tuesday, May 20th from 12 – 1pm.

Submit your questions in advance for an opportunity to win the book,  “I’m Too Young for This” autographed by Suzanne or ask your questions live during the event.

For event details, click here.

Dr. Khalid Mahmud


Compounding Pharmacies

Compounding Pharmacies


There is a lot of confusion and misunderstanding about compounding medicines and compounding pharmacies.

First of all, compounding is used all over the country to make many types of medications (from diaper rash creams to cough syrups to topical anesthetics) and to a greater or lesser degree is done by MOST pharmacies. These medications are used in hospitals and most clinics all over the country.

“Compounding” in essence means that a pharmacist combines two or more products in order to improve the effectiveness or convenience of the product. Medications strengths or delivery methods can be customized for each individual’s needs. There are many benefits of compounded medications.

Some advantages are improving patient compliance and by decreasing side effects – by changing the dosage strengths of medication with the approval of the physician, removing dyes and/or fillers, or changing the medication delivery system (sublingual troches or triturates, suspensions, injectables, transdermal gels and creams, etc.).

Often a source of confusion is that the FDA does not ‘approve’ the products coming out of compounding pharmacies. This is actually a technicality when it comes to bio identical hormones. Pharmacists at specialty pharmacies, such as Bloomington Drug use estradiol (estrogen), progesterone and testosterone that ARE FDA approved. It is the act of mixing these FDA approved products with something else like a vanishing cream, transdermal gel, etc. that makes the product ‘not FDA approved.’ In the case of the weaker estrogen estriol (E3), which is often use in conjunction with estradiol to make Biest cream, the FDA has not thoroughly investigated it. Ironically, all of the science to date has suggested estriol (E3) is the safest estrogen and appears to have anti-inflammatory and anti-breast cancer effects.

The FDA approval process is intended for mass-produced drugs made by manufacturers. Because compounded medications are personalized for individual patients, it is not possible for each formulation to go through the FDA’s drug approval process, which takes years to complete and is prohibitively expensive, often costing hundreds of millions of dollars.

The Bioidentical hormone therapies compounded can be used to treat the following conditions or symptoms: Menopause, Perimenopause, PMS, Andropause, Thyroid and Adrenal Fatigue.

If you would like to get more information about these therapies, schedule a consultation to discuss with me or attend our open house.

– Dr. Rich Sinda

DHEA Important Benefits

DHEA Important Benefits

Happy spring everybody! I am attending a Functional Medicine conference in Boston this weekend but wanted to share some information about DHEA. It is mysterious and not much talked about natural molecule and is very important for the human body.

DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is produced mostly by the adrenal glands, which are a pair of small roughly pyramid shaped glands stacked on top of each of our kidneys. They make over 100 different chemicals for our bodies. Adrenal glands in some ways can be considered our ‘stress glands’ because they secrete the stress hormones adrenaline (epinephrine) and cortisol into our bloodstream when we are under any type of stress. They also make DHEA, one of the most abundant sex hormones in our bodies. Most of us stop making enough DHEA for our needs after age 30 or 35 and there are health consequences and risks associated with the deficiency.

There is strong scientific evidence that a natural DHEA supplement can:

1) Increase bone density in post-menopausal women
2) Successfully help treat depression
3) Boost metabolism and thereby assist with weight or fat loss

Unfortunately, DHEA does not get a lot of press. Once again, mainstream clinical practice lags behind science and DHEA-S levels (a simple blood test) are NOT being routinely checked in most parts of the country.

Why? Physicians are discouraged from treating deficiencies of natural molecules with the actual natural molecules our bodies stopped making. Natural molecules cannot be patented and are of no interest to pharmaceutical companies; no patent = no huge profits.

Get a better grasp on the role your sex hormones play in your body. Read more on our website or schedule a consultation with me to discuss further.

– Dr. Rich Sinda

PS – Stay tuned to find out what I learned at this weekend’s medical conference focusing on “Transforming the Assessment, Prevention, and Management of Chronic Metabolic and Cardiovascular Disorders”.