Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy For Men
Beginning at the age of 40 men can begin to experience a decline in their hormone levels. The aging process is called Andropause, which very few men appreciate, as it is referred to as “male menopause”…but that term has made a lot of men uncomfortable, and kept many of them from taking action.
Symptoms of a loss of hormones can include a decrease in strength, a loss and lack of energy and drive, a decrease in your sex drive, less frequent/strong erections, feeling sad and/or irritable, and feelings of depression.
Oftentimes, men are reluctant to admit that they’re experiencing these issues, so they simply try to “suck it up.” And the truth is, because many family doctors have a complete misunderstanding of hormone therapy, they rarely if ever address it with their male patients. The typical statement from a family physician to male patients is: it’s just a part of aging. Well not any longer!

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance
It’s easy to think that hormones are only a problem for women…but that is just not the case! A reduction in hormone levels is not just a women’s issue, the entire human race has to deal with it—it’s a genetic thing!

You’ve heard it before…Low T (Testosterone)
As men age, their production of testosterone usually decreases. This is often referred to as ‘Low-T.’ Low levels of testosterone can negatively affect your sex drive and performance, energy levels, sleep cycles, and cause many of the symptoms listed above.
Studies have also shown that low testosterone levels can nearly double your risk of developing diabetes and greatly increase the risk of developing osteoporosis, and heart disease. Studies have also shown that higher levels of testosterone can help men live longer and healthier life spans.
Restoring your hormone levels
Hormone replacement therapy can be a very effective answer for the symptoms of low testosterone and other hormones that may be in imbalance. Although testosterone is the main culprit, other hormones can be out of balance as well.
In many clinical studies over the years, male subjects have dramatically improved their lives and experienced…
- Improved sex drive and performance
- Increase in lean muscle mass
- Increased strength
- Better sleep
- Improved sense of well-being
- Reduced body fat
- Hair re-growth
- Strengthened immune system
- Improved mood
- Complete evaluation of symptoms, comprehensive history and lifestyle review, physical exam and a baseline laboratory testing exceeding conventional medicine
- Tests may include: Blood counts, blood chemistry, hormone levels, lipid profiles, cardiac risk factors
- Body composition & Nutrition Assessment
- Targeted conversation that implements Bioidentical hormone therapy specially for your needs
- Bioidentical hormones can be administered using creams, sublingual (under tongue), gels, injectables and capsules for supplements
- You are monitored by a board certified physician, not an intern or practitioner
- Nutritional guidance and support