Talk about getting things done!
Hello everyone, This is Susie Ries again with a new update on my Bio-Identical hormone replacement journey. I’ve now been on a carefully orchestrated plan for my body for 8 weeks, which includes a combination of bioidentical progesterone, estrogen and...
Cookie-Dough Bar Recipe
Sarah’s Favorite Healthy Recipes Cookie-Dough Bar Recipe Ingredients: * 1 ½ cups old fashioned oats * ½ cup cashew flour * ½ cup brown rice flour * 1/3 raw honey (Raw honey contains more nutrients than...
The Next Aha! Moment
I would make a bet to anyone dollars to donuts that in the very near future, the medical scientists will make these three points very clear to physicians and to the general public: 1. Having a very low level of sex hormones is very risky and leads to all sorts...
Why Not Prevent Diseases?
Hello, I am Dr. Khalid Mahmud. Here is a little about how I got into Anti-Aging Medicine. I was a board certified Internist and Hematology-Oncology specialist, and practiced these specialties for a long time successfully. I even opened a cancer center which...
Have you had this experience??
I see women all of the time who say throughout their entire adult lives, they have had a stable/upbeat mood, optimistic outlook, great sleep and no anxiety until they hit menopause. The women say their personal lives are stable and these changes...
Meet our Physician, Dr. Sinda
Hello! I am Dr. Rich Sinda a physician here at Innovative Directions in Health. Here’s a little about me. I completed my residency in 1994 and am a Board Certified Family Practice Physician. I have practiced in a variety of care centers: office-based, hospital...
Meet Our Patient Susie
HI! My name is Susie Ries. Some of you may know me as Elizabeth’s mom from Twin Cities Live. Let me tell you how I found Innovative Directions in Health. I’ve been a huge fan of Suzanne Somers for many years. Like her, I want to know all I...
Zinc & the Common Cold
Despite the fact that many people having a cold receive antibiotics, being a viral infection, it remains unresponsive to such therapy. On the other hand zinc, easily available over the counter, has been shown to decrease the duration and severity of such infection in...
Migraines & PMS Help
In addition to getting adequate progesterone (if you have an estrogen-progesterone mismatch), you can also supplement with magnesium, coenzyme Q-10, folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12 to prevent migraines. FYI- These tend to help PMS too. ~ Dr. Sinda
Prescription Refills
Q) Why am I asked to call my pharmacy for refills, even when my prescription says I have no refills left? A) Pharmacies often need written verification with your personal information and detailed dosing instructions. Communication via fax...