0 Items 7550 France Ave S. Suite 215, Edina, MN 55435
7550 France Ave S. Suite 215, Edina, MN 55435

Hi, Everyone!

I have an update for you! I am now 12 weeks into enjoying the benefits of Bio-Identical hormone replacement therapy. Let me list for you the marvelous benefits I am receiving:

1) Glorious, blissful, sweet-dreams sleep every single night. No more waking up at 3 am and sighing at the long night ahead.

2) Unlimited energy. Guess what…I enrolled in a 3-day a week workout boot camp…and it begins at 5:30 AM. No kidding…5:30 AM!

3) NO more forgetting what I needed in the basement. Sound familiar? Did you know that “brain fog” is a very common sign of menopause? Not long ago I needed Post-it notes on each finger to remember what I was supposed to get only six steps into the basement.

4) Testosterone miracle cream! Who knew we ladies need it..and are very lacking in it. Our bodies simply stop producing this all-important hormone…and we thought it was only for men! Dr. Sinda prescribed a perfectly dispensed cream for me after reading my blood tests. This nifty little bottle dispenses the exact amount my body was lacking. There is no guessing on how much cream to apply.

Coincidentally, last week I was watching the KATIE show, which airs just before my FAVORITE television show (Twin Cities Live, of course!) and was happy to see Suzanne Sommers being interviewed. As you likely know, she is a big advocate for bio-identical hormones and the need for women to get the right amount of testosterone. I was smiling as I heard her say: “My husband and I are enjoying the best love life of our lives..and we are in our 60s!” Let’s just say…at our home…we get it!

More to come…let’s see what happens next! Enjoy you day!

– Susie

Are you experiencing loss of sleep, brain fog, or low sex drive? Call 952-922-2345 to set up a consultation and see if Bio-Identical hormone replacement is right for you!